Where to buy?
Through which channels can you buy in Manxa?
Online Shop
Access to our online shop with your devices from anywhere and anytime! Shop through our online shop and you will always get and additional discount in all your orders

Physical Store
We have been located in Olot since 1876, and since them we have continued to add value to the needs of our customers.
More than 500m to find the products you need!
You will find us in:
Crta. Les Tries, 85, 17800, OlotSchedule: from monday to thursday 8:00 – 13:30h / 15:00 – 18:30h. Friday 8:00 – 14:30h / 14:30 – 18:00h. You can also contact us by calling the number 972.27.62.65
Technical Seller
Your trusted technical seller will visit and advise you on everything you need. We will also visit you together with the main manufacturers (with whom we have exclusive distribution agreements) so that we can find toghether the best application and product solutions
Customer Service
Our Customer Service at Manxa’s central offices will attend you and solve your queries and requests as soon as possible.
Schedule: 8:00- 18:00h (from monday to friday)

Manxa App
Automatic order via mobile and from the same place of use of the materials. Read the QR codes and sent you order! In an easy an intuitive way you have evertything you need in just 1 click.

Manxa takes care of everything, from the installation of the machine since the periodic replenishment of the materials. Through remote stock control we are aware when a materials replenishment is needed.